January 19th, 2024
This year I ride in memory of our cousin Jerry Farnham who lost his battle to pancreatic cancer this past September. Jerry left behind his loving wife Brigid and two sons Lucas and Samuel.
Cancer has affected many of my family members including myself. In 2010 after my very first ride for Roswell, I was told the 3 words no one wants to hear. Since then I have made it my mission to raise funds for Roswell Park and hopefully one day no one will have to hear "You Have Cancer"
In my family we lost Aunt Bonnie, my father in law Marv, Grandpa Rice & Grandpa Hill. There have been other friends that have also passed away due to Cancer. This is Why I Ride! Since I started riding, I alone have raised over $85,000.00 and I am proud to say my team since 2010 has raised over $350,000.00!
I will also ride in memory of my Aunt Bonnie, father in law Marv, Grampa Rice, Grampa Hill, Linda Jellings, Kathy Curatalo,Tammy Jordan and Sally Gilson who all lost their battle with cancer.
I will be riding in HONOR of many surviviors.....MYSELF, my Dad Gary, sister Darlene, BFF Jennifer S, Uncle Neil, Aunt Carol, Uncle Dick, LeeAnn C, Aunt Jane, Shelly S, Julie G, Pete L, April B, Christine C, Jane and Tony Gagliardi, Gary K & many more.
Please help me reach my goal this year, no donation is too big or too small. Your donation is greatly appreciated! :-)
January 18th, 2023
Thank you for visiting my ride page!!
As of today 6-22-2023 I am #20 in fundraising of more than 7000 riders!! I am proud to be in the TOP 25 FUNDRAISERS THIS YEAR, HOPING I REMAIN IN THE TOP! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL MY GENEROUS SUPPORTERS, I TRULY APPRECIATE YOUR GENEROUSITY EACH YEAR.
As most of you know, I am a 12 year SURVIVIOR of Breast Cancer because of Roswell Park and all it's wonderful Dr.'s and Nurses! I feel blessed everyday and have learned so much through my Cancer Journey. We are all reminded everyday how precious life is, each and every day is a gift.
My hope is that one day no one will have to hear those 3 terrible words "You Have Cancer" so I will continue to raise funds and Ride For Roswell until then.
This year I DEDICATE my ride and will be riding in HONOR of my Big Brother Jim McCandless who is also a SURVIVOR! My sister Alicia and Jim began dating while I was in grade school, he has been part of our family for most of my life. He has a heart of gold, he is strong man with a huge heart, the best husband,Dad,Grandpa Son, brother and a hard worker who would do anything for you. He has touched the lives of many people over the years, but he really deserves a trophy for putting up with my oldest sister Alicia and my entire family (LOL). WE all love Jim very much and are so thankful he was such a strong fighter during his cancer battle. We are both changed people because of having cancer and have bonded closer because of it. I love you JIM
I also ride in memory of my Aunt Bonnie, father in law Marv, Grampa Rice, Grampa Hill, Linda Jellings, Tammy Jordan and Sally Gilson who all lost their battle with cancer.
I will be riding in HONOR of many surviviors.....MYSELF, my Dad Gary, sister Darlene, BFF Jennifer S, Uncle Neil, Aunt Carol, Uncle Dick, LeeAnn C, Aunt Jane, Shelly S, Julie G, Pete L, April B, Christine C, Gary K & many more.
Please donate what you can, every dollar makes a huge difference in the fight against cancer. Thank you in advance for your donation and thank you for all your support over the past 12 years I have been doing this ride.
Thank you for visiting my ride page! I am an 11 year Breast Cancer Survivor thanks to Roswell Park and all the awesome Doctors and Nurses there.
This year will be my 12th year doing the ride, I am also the team Captain. My husband and I plan do ride the 45 mile country route this year. We will be riding in memory of so many loved ones who lost their battle to cancer and also in honor of those who have fought this terrible disease and kicked cancer's butt!
I will be riding in memory of my late father in law Marv.
I will also be riding in honor of a very dear friend who was recently diagnosed with skin cancer who wishes to remain anonymous.
I will also be riding in memory of my Aunt Bonnie, Grampa Rice, Grampa Hill, Linda Jellings (my 2nd Mama), Tammy Jordan, Cheryl Randolph, Sally Gilson who all lost their battle to cancer. I miss them all so much but know they are in a better place free from pain.
I will be riding in honor of Jim M, my Dad Gary, Darlene F, Uncle Neil, Julie G, Pete L, Gary K, Lisa F, Shelly S, Crissy K, Sophie, Kim P, Vicki P, Ralph A, Luke G, Nancy S, April B & Myself!!
Please consider donating to my ride, I truly appreciate those who have donated so generous over the years. I started this team in 2010 with only 2 riders & it has grown bigger every year since . We always rank amongst the Top 20 teams each year. Since I started the team, we have raised over $$250,000.00! Every year I have done the ride, I have always been part of the Extra Mile Club (raising over $1000.00) For the past 3 years I was humbled by the donations of so many who help me raise over $5000.00 and hope to do it again this year.
Thank you for visiting my page and thank you for your donation!
Thank you to all the generous donors who helped my reach my personal all time record in fundraising for Roswell. Our team is ranked #12 of 641 teams and I am ranked # 22 of over 6000 riders in FUNDRAISING thanks to all of you. I am humbled each year from the support of so many, I truly can't thank everyone enough. It's hard to explain the feeling of raising so much money for the place that SAVED MY LIFE and am proud to say I am a 10 Year SURVIVOR!!
Thank you to ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE DONATED SO GENEROUSLY TO MY RIDE AND TEAM, I truly appreciate it. This is my best year fundraising yet, today thanks to a very generous donor Linda and Alan Lederhouse I have raised over $10,000.00 for Roswell!! From the bottom of my heart thank you all so very much, I am humbled by the love and support of so many.
Welcome to my ride page!!!
Heaven gained an angel yesterday, my BFF’s Mom Linda Jellings passed away from stomach cancer. It was very fast, she started having problems in early April, was diagnosed in Late May & was surrounded by her loving daughters until she took her last breath, Linda has supported MILES FOR MONICA since Jen & I started riding. She has been like a second Mom to me, she is now without pain with her husband Gordy. RIP Mama we all miss you so much already. Please keep their family in your prayers
This year I will be doing my 11th Ride for Roswell.
This is a very special year for me as I have reached the 10 year Cancer Free milestone. It sure wasn’t an easy road but I am a much stronger person because of it. I had Multiple surgeries, 9 months of chemo, physical therapy, several years on clinical trials, lots of meds & Dr visits, 33 rounds of radiation and the 10 year emotional roller coaster had been a long road for myself & my family. I am thankful each day I wake up, I am certainly blessed.
Unfortunately we are all not that fortunate, I recently lost a childhood friend to cancer. She fought a long tough battle since 2013, she passed just days after her 50th birthday. When you are fighting cancer, You hear people tell you “how strong you are, you got this, your the strongest person I know” Well let me tell you Tammy Jordon was definitely the strongest person I have ever known. Although she is now gone, she finally free from pain. No one should have to endure the pain & suffering as she did, sometimes life is just so unfair. I am blessed to have known her & will continue to keep her family in my prayers.
This year I am riding in Memory of Tammy Sansone Jordon, a true fighter who lost her battle to this terrible disease.
I will also be riding in memory of my father in law Marv, Aunt Bonnie, Grampa Rice, Grampa Hill, Sally Gilson who all lost their battle to cancer. I miss them all so much but know they are in a better place free from pain.
I will be riding in honor of Jim M, my Dad Gary, Darlene F, Uncle Neil, Julie G, Pete L, Gary K, Shelly S, Crissy K, Cheryl Randolph, Sophie, Kim P, Vicki P, Ralph A, Luke G, Nancy S, April B & Myself!!
Please consider donating to my ride, I truly appreciate those who have donated so generous over the years. I started this team in 2010 with only 2 riders & it has grown bigger every year since . We always rank amongst the Top 20 teams each year. Since I started the team, we have raised over $$240,955! Every year I have done the ride, I have always been part of the Extra Mile Club (raising over $1000.00)
I alone have raised $51,381.00 since 2010 because of all my generous donors & year round fundraising. Please help me reach my goal again, thank you so much for your support!!
Thank you for visiting my 2020 personal page.
It is with a very heavy heart I write this, our family gained another angel last night. My father In Law Marvin lost his very long tough battle to cancer last night. He was definately one of the strongest people I know. I was lucky enough to marry into the Farnham family in 1999, I am extremely proud to be a “Farnham “ girl.
I am a 9 year SURVIVOR of breast cancer because of Roswell and my very supportive family. Our family has many cancer survivors, and unfortunately some who lost their battle to cancer. This is why I continue to ride each year, this will be my 10th ride. Since then our team has raised $203.870.7800 and we will continue to raise funds year after year until there is a cure for cancer.
This year I will be riding in memory of Marv, Aunt Bonnie,
Grampa Rice, Grampa Hill & Sally Gilson.
I will be riding in honor of many suvivors: myself, my Daddy Gary Rice, Brother in law Jim McCandless, Uncle Neil, Vickie Poole, Julie G, Lee Ann, Aunt Carol, Gary K, Kim, Krissy K, Pete L , April B and so many others.
Thank you in advance for your donation, your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for visiting my page, I will be doing my 9th ride this June and I need your help!!! Each year I have raised over $1000.00 which puts me in the EMC club and qualifies me to ride in the Peloton. With your help I hope to do that again this year! As most of you know I am a 8 Year breast cancer survivor thanks to Roswell. Many family members and friends have also been diagnosed with this terrible disease and some of them lost their battle. I am certainly grateful each day I wake up and so thankful because without Roswell Park it may not have been possible.
This year I will be riding in memory of my Aunt Bonnie who lost her battle last March. As long as I am healty and able to ride I will continue my mission to help raise funds for Roswell Park and raise awareness in hopes that there will one day be a cure. Thank you in advance for your generous donation, your kindness is truly appreciated.
Hello and thank you for visiting my 2018 Ride page. Just days after my last update, my Aunt Bonnie lost her battle with cancer. She fought for many years with her loving husband and sister by her side. She spent her final days in Hospice House surrounded by her family.
This year all the money I raise and the 34 miles I will be riding will be in memory of Aunt Bonnie. She was such a kind, generous and loving person that I was lucky enough to call her my family. She will be greatly missed by so many. Please donate what you can, no amount is too small or large. Thank you in advance for donating to my ride.
Hello and welcome to my fundraising page. I began my journey with the Ride For Roswell in 2010 in honor of a family friend battling a terminal cancer. She fought for many years, working at her job at a hospital and staying as active as she could with family and going to her grandchildren’s sporting events. Unfortunately, she lost her battle a few years later, she is one of the strongest women I was blessed to know. In September of 2010, the same year as my first ride, I myself was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. When I was told those three words we all dread, I immediately without any thought knew I would be going to Roswell for my treatment. I underwent multiple surgeries, a year and a half of chemo and after 33 rounds of radiation I rode my second ride for Roswell in honor of myself. I couldn’t have done it without my most awesome husband Adam, son Branden, family and friends by my side and of coarse Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Over the years since my first ride, many of my family members, friends and co-workers have been diagnosed with this terrible disease. To name just a few my father Gary, father in law Marv, brother in law Jim, Aunt Bonnie, Uncle Neil, LeeAnn, Julie G, Crissy, Pete L, April B along with many more. It saddens me to think so many loved one have had to face this battle along with their families.
As I write this today, my Aunt has spent the past several days at Niagara Hospice with her loving family by her side as she is making her journey to become an angel and be with God. It is just a horrible disease to watch anyone go through, my Aunt Bonnie has been fighting for a long time now. All we can do is pray that one day we will be rid of this terrible disease. This is why I ride each year for Roswell and do my best to raise funds for a cure, research and patient programs at Roswell Park. Without the treatment I had there, I would not be here today.
When I started Miles for Monica in 2010, we had only 2 riders. Last year I think we had almost 30 riders and have raised a total of $125,247.00 since I started the team. This year I am hoping to raise $25,000.00 for Roswell, with your help I know our team can do it again this year. I am truly humbled each year at the amount of support I receive from family, friends and co-workers with donations and basket raffle funds raised. I hope you consider donating to such a wonderful cause, thank you in advance for donating to my ride.
Hello and thank you for visiting my page, I will be riding for the 8th time this year for Roswell. Each year it seems that another loved one is stricten by this terrible disease. This year I will once again be riding in honor of my Aunt Bonnie. She has been battling cancer for several years now. Unfortunately she is terminal and after many treatments and surgery, pain managment is all that she has. Each day is a gift from GOD, I pray that soon there will be a cure for cancer and we won't have to watch our loved ones suffer any longer.
Our Team is registered, please check back as I will update my page very soon.
Thank you for visiting!
This year I will be riding in honor of my Aunt Bonnie who is battling cancer again. Her most recent sad news came a few weeks ago and we are all very saddened with it. She was told that nothing can be done for her cancer as she went through so many treatments last year. We plan to spend the next year visiting her as much as we can and help her through this, losing anyone to cancer is just horrible but when it is a member of your family it's just heart breaking. Please keep her in your prayers