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Ride for Roswell 2024

Loyal Legacy

We created this team in memory of my beautiful husband Serofino Giambattista and my beautiful sister Marcia Urbaniak.  Serofino beat lung cancer for 68 months!  During his journey we found out how under funded lung cancer research and treatment is due to the stigma attached to smoking.  We promised to bring awareness and fund raise for lung cancer and to make a difference.  Some of the tests and treatments Serofino had were not even available when he was diagonsed, so yes it's getting better, but it's not there yet.

My sister Marcia was diagnosed with leukemia and her journey was only 3 months.  Marcia told everyone at Roswell Serofino was her cancer coach, they shared a special bond only survivors can understand.

We ride to continue their loyal legacy to finding a cure and bringing awareness to both lung cancer and leukemia.  Cancer doesn't discriminate young, old, women, men, anyone can get cancer.   Both Serofino and Marcia never questioned why me, they fought and try to live their new normal as best they could with God's Grace and Blessings.

They are both healed, saved and glorified living in their eternal home with Our Heavenly Father, smiling down on their loved ones coming together, standing together, making a difference.


Thank you for your support, all our monies raised with be divided between lung cancer and leukemia!


God Bless!

Tricia and my loyal gang of riders!

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