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Ride for Roswell 2024

Crazy Monkeys

Thank you for visiting our 2023 Ride for Roswell team page!
Leah and I are once again riding the Ride for Roswell. This year we've made a big commitment to the cause. We're registered for the Canada Ride, which we will only be allowed to ride if we raise $750 *each*.  That's $1500 for team Crazy Monkeys (that would be us,) all to benefit the mission of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute.

Join our team and help us reach our goal or donate to our efforts! No matter how you choose to support us, YOU are making a difference in the lives of the more than 40,000 patients who turn to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center for hope each year. 

Your donation provides funding researchers need right now to investigate new treatment options that could save lives. In fact, for every dollar donated, Roswell Park can leverage an additional $13 in new grant funding!

Finding a cure for cancer is something we are all incredibly passionate about and we are so thankful and grateful for your support. Together, we can make a difference!


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