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Ride for Roswell 2024

John Newman Mission Community


The John Newman Mission Community (JNMC) Team has a goal to raise $18,000 for Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center this year with your help.  With one in two men and one in three women in America being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, most of us know someone who has been affected by this devastating disease. You can make a difference by supporting our team in The Ride For Roswell.  Funds raised through The Ride support cutting-edge research and compassionate, innovative patient care programs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Please consider supporting our team.  Together, we can help find cancer cures and save lives.

It would be nice if we could all say that we do not know anyone who has been touched by cancer.  Unfortunately, most of us have been impacted by cancer in one way or another.   The riders on the John Newman Mission Community Team had a prayer list with almost 270 names on it in 2023.  Each name represents a family member or someone in their life who has been touched by cancer.  Although we would prefer that there would never again be a need to add more names for those newly affected by cancer, that reality is not yet here. 

The John Newman Mission Community team thanks you for your continued support in helping us in reaching our goal.

Thank you.

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