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Ride for Roswell 2024

Upload a team picture to show your supporters how many of you are making a difference in the fight against cancer.
Upload a team picture to show your supporters how many of you are making a difference in the fight against cancer.


We're back for our 4th year of fundraising and biking our butts off to support cancer research and the patients that depend on the treatment and research that Roswell provides!!!

We are so incredibly blessed to have such an amazing facility right in our backyard that is at the forefront of cancer research and treatment. I think everyone knows by now that I ride for my dad, but over the past year I've met some incredible individuals that are fighting I couldn't be more grateful for the science and care that Rowell provides.
Help my team our fundraising goal of $3,000; together we can make a stage 4 diagnosis NOT a terminal one!!
#cancersucks #noonefightsalone #irideformydaddy #stage4doesnthavetobeterminal #illrideforallfarmers

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