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Ride for Roswell 2024

Team "Otterly" Phil

Welcome to you from Team "Otterly" Phil cap, Kathy!

Here you are at our otterly hopeful fundraiser for our 2024 Ride for Roswell! Team Otterly Phil is excxited to ride again and again, until the suffering of cancer is ended. 

Our team is named for my husband who rides with us on the "otterslide". Why an otter? Phil and I once pondered what animal we would like to be. He chose the otter. He chose well. Otters are engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also popular, eminently lovable and love the water! Otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities. Doesn't that describe him to a tee? Just the thought of him brings on a smile (and a few tears to boot).

Phil and team cap Kathy lived, loved and adventured all the years of their marriage despite the cancers, in great thanks to Roswell Park Cancer Institute. They rode together for over 10 years in The Ride for Roswell, and we carry on the tradition in the great company of friends and family as Team "Otterly" Phil. 

But Team Otterly Phil rides for many more than Phil. We all have family or friends who have been affected, are in treatment or have left this earth as a result of cancer. We ride for our mother in laws, our aunts, our friends, our husbands and wives, our family members, and sadly there are many. We ride for ROSWELL and the hopeful and heartful work it does. We ride with gratitude for the years Roswell gave us to love and to live with each who is carried in our hearts as we put foot to pedal on ride day. Won't you join us or give a pledge?

So please make a donation or join as an otterly awesome teammate today or ASAP so that treatment and research continue to advance toward cure. Or like Phil and some others, live with Roswell’s help the best one can in comfort and grace for whatever time remains.

REMEMBER YOU CAN BE A VIRTUAL RIDER, TOO. Join our team, raise money for the cause and ride wherever you want. 

Captain Kathy has registered for the 8:40 20 mile ride at UB.  In the past, many otters have signed up for this ride with others signing up for one of the other shorter or longer rides at a different time. We join together after the ride to celebrate our efforts together. 

Bottom line just join our team and help Roswell continue to be the blessing it is to so many! 


With one in two men and one in three women in America being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, most of us know someone who has been affected by this devastating disease. You can make a difference by supporting us in The Ride For Roswell.  Funds raised through The Ride support cutting-edge research and compassionate, innovative patient care programs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Please consider making a donation today. Together, we can help find cancer cures and save lives. 

With otter gratitude, Team Otterly Phil

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