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Ride for Roswell 2024

L&M's Biking for Barb

L&M's Biking for Barb

Riding for Roswell means many things to many people, and most of us have a personal reason to ride. For Matthew Burwick that reason is his mother Barbara Burwick.

Barbara battled lung cancer while two of her four children were still in their teens. Barbara came up with the idea for Matthew to join the Ride for Roswell as a way for him to connect with others going through the same experience.  It was then that the “Biking for Barb” team was formed. Matthew is proud to say that since forming this ride team more than 15 years ago, every penny raised has gone to help those who cannot afford the treatments that Barbara was fortunate enough to receive and towards efforts of furthering cancer research.

Sadly in 2004, Barbara lost her cancer battle. Matthew continues to ride every year and looks forward to riding again this year alongside family, friends and colleagues to honor his mother’s memory and to support this amazing cause….and help find a cure once and for all.

L&M Wealth Management is proud to join Biking for Barb and the fight against cancer!

In September 2017, L&M lost its longtime and beloved leader Gregg Lipsitz to esophageal cancer. 

Our L&M family rides in Gregg’s memory as well as in memory of other loved ones we have lost, and in honor of loved ones who are survivors!  

Whether you choose to join our team or to make a donation, you are making a difference in the fight against cancer. L&M will match up to $250 per rider/virtual rider on our team up to $12,500 of contributions.

Thank you for your support!  Together we can make a difference and help save lives.

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