Dear Friends and Family,
I am excited to be a participant in the Ride for Roswell for the eighth year in a row! More and more friends and family members have been diagnosed with cancer recently. Raising money to fund more care and research helps people with cancer and helps me focus on hope and healing! Please help if you're able. Even small donations help more than you would think. Every dollar brings in $23 more dollars through grants.
I'm working out, getting stronger, hiking lots of hills and will be biking this Spring with gusto!! Every year, I look forward to participating in this event and I'm ready!! It will be a wonderful experience to be back in Buffalo joining thousands of cyclists as we try to make a difference in people's lives affected by cancer.
This year, I pledged to do a 44 mile Buffalo/Canada Route with my team from Central N.Y., Hildy's Heroes.
This is my only yearly fundraiser and I'm riding to especially honor my friends Jane Malone and Ann Jochems from Gulfport, Florida and Connie Doody from Fayetteville, NY who are all bravely fighting cancer. I'm also riding in memory of my dear friend Lynne Beaudoin and my partner's mother Hildy Doody, and many other family members and friends who have died or are living with cancer.
With one in two men and one in three women in America being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, most us know someone who has been affected by this devastating disease. You can make a difference by supporting me in The Ride For Roswell. Funds raised through The Ride support cutting-edge research and compassionate, innovative patient care programs at Roswell Park Cancer Institute.
Please consider making a donation today., if you can No amount is too small. Together, we can help find cancer cures and save lives.
Thank you.
In gratitude and with Love
Lucy Twichell