This is my 15th year with the Ride, but my sixth year as a rider, the last seven years I have been on the Love Fest ride committee, the l five years before I was on on the Campus Planning Committee for the Ride, and three years before as a campus volunteer. This year I am riding in support of the Love Fest Team. All of the money raised with the Love Fest Team will be ear marked to go directly to the Young Adult Program at Roswell Park. The Young Adult Program is for cancer patients/survivors aged 18-39. This particular demographic has a unique set of challenges when they are diagnosed with cancer. Many are in college, grad school, just starting a career, marriage, a family, facing fertility issues etc.. Also, while pediatric, and older adult cancer groups have made strides in survivorship rates, the young adult group's rates have remained stagnant. The Young Adult program supports its members through happy hour get togethers, outings, conferences, dinners, and more. Please join me in supporting this important group by joining the Love Fest Team, or by donating towards my goal. To quote Kali Korzelius, founder of the program, "Young adults with cancer should get busy living, I want to bring life to the people."