Cancer doesn't care. It doesn't care about age. It doesn't care about your family or friends. It doesn't care about what it takes from us - or who it leaves behind.
But I care. I care about making a difference in the future of cancer research and bringing an end to this devastating disease. That's why I am participating in the Ride for Roswell on June 22nd.
We are riding in memory of my grandma. We also ride in memory of all of our other family and friends who have passed, for all of those currently battling and for those amazing survivors!
Please help me raise critically needed funds to support the thousands of patients who turn to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center for hope each year. Your donation provides funding that researchers need in order to investigate new treatment options that could save lives in our community and around the world. For every dollar donated, Roswell Park can leverage an additional $13 in new grant funding!
Please consider making a donation today to help find cures. Together, we can make a difference.