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Ride for Roswell 2024

MVP Network Consulting
MVP Network Consulting



2023!  It's another year for The Ride for Roswell and The team at MVP is proud to be a part of it!

At MVP Network Consulting we fix tech issues. We’re pretty darn good at it too!

Just a few of the many things we’re NOT, however, are Doctors, Researchers, or cancer specialists in any way. Luckily, we have Roswell Park right here in our own backyard. The amazing diagnosis, treatment, and follow up care they provide is second to none.

They can’t do it all alone, though. Even if we can’t solve the horrible problem of cancer we can help those that do.

We will proudly put in a little sweat and pain for a cause this great. For every critically needed dollar that we raise, an additional thirteen dollars can be leveraged by Roswell with grant funding in order to investigate new treatment options that can save lives. These therapies can provide cutting-edge treatment choices to patients in our own community and in cancer centers worldwide.

Please help us in reaching our goals this year. They’re set a bit higher than last year because we have confidence that we can break right through it and help make a difference in the fight against cancer!

--The MVPWorks Ride for Roswell Team

P.s. - You don’t have to work for MVP to join the team! Team registration is open to all and if you’d like to join us on our quest then by all means sign up!

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