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Ride for Roswell 2024

Rich Products

Welcome to Rich Products Team Page.  I appreciate you joining our Rich's Family of riders.  Joining together to fund raise for research towards finding cures for several types of cancer.

We certainly all have experienced cancer directly or through a partner,  parent, child, sibling, relative, or friend, everyone has a story to tell and share.  As we all do, I have heartbreaking stories of those who lost the battle and rejoice with those who are still with me.  Roswell Park is a vital facility for research and discoverying treatments to cure and prevent many forms of cancer.  Donating to The Ride can fund the research. 

In closing I am sharing a few words Kim Borkowski gave to us to live by

  • Be kind. To loved ones, to strangers, to those who are struggling in ways we see and don’t see. Be generous with the world. 
  • Pray in whatever way your faith prays. 
  • Donate blood, especially platelets, as well as your time and talents to those in need. The smallest gestures can mean so much to someone.
  • Think about all the ways to make a positive impact on your life and go out and be that for someone else.

Thank you for riding, donating to Roswell Park or volunteering with our Rich Products team and supporting a worthwhile cause.

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