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Ride for Roswell 2024

Team Wolanske

This is a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to my gracious friends for your continued support of my philanthropic endeavors.

On June 22nd 2024 my sister Amanda and I will once again doing The Ride for Roswell.  

The Ride For Roswell supports cutting-edge research and patient care programs for those afflicted with cancer.  My sister and I do this ride in memory of our father, and all our friends that have had to deal with any form of cancer (#F-Cancer).

As always, I realize we get hit up for donations just about every day. If this charitable effort strikes a chord with you and you want to make a donation to support our ride; we thank you in advance.  

Regardless on the 22nd of June please wish me a hearty Happy "early" Birthday (one day early) and my sister Amanda a Happy Birthday (we are actually riding ON her birthday).

May the wind be behind you and the road home downhill :)

Gary R. Wolanske
703-568-1550 (cell / text)


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