Cancer doesn’t care. It doesn’t care about age. It doesn’t care about your family or friends. It doesn’t care about what it takes from us — or who it leaves behind.
The intro that the Ride team provided above is incredibly poignant for me. Cancer does not care that it took my mother from this Earth. And it does not care that it forever changed my father's life. It also doesn't care about so many of my other family members and friends that it has affected. And it most certainly does not care about the pain that it has brought to my life, being left behind. But, I don't care about cancer (so there!) - cancer sucks. And it always will. What I have, though, is hope. I also have the knowledge that there are incredibly smart people in the buildings of Roswell Park who work tirelessly to rid the world of cancer. While we're on our way to this reality where cancer doesn't steal our loved ones, I also have the esteemed privilege of working at Roswell Park, a place that is so much more than a collection of buildings. Roswell Park is heart and Roswell Park is hope. In my job as a Senior Resource Center Coordinator in The 11 Day Power Play Cancer Resource Center and Elevate Salon I get to show cancer who's really boss every day. It's us, by the way, we're the bosses. We have the power to kick cancer's butt with the hope that we bring patients. We have the power to tell cancer to go back to where it came from with supportive programs and useful information. We've got this. Cancer will lose.
Abrupt segue back into the canned message (but again, a message that really nails it)
I care about making a difference in the future of cancer research and bringing an end to this devastating disease. That’s why I am participating in the 2024 Ride for Roswell by riding the 4-mile very family friendly route with Ian! I'm looking forward to peanut butter and jelly breaks, snacks, friends, joy and seeing Ian enjoy his first brand new bike (that still has training wheels, but I expect those to be gone by the end of the summer.)
Please help me raise critically needed funds to support the thousands of patients who turn to Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center for hope each year. Your donation provides funding researchers need right now to investigate new treatment options that could save lives. For every dollar donated, Roswell Park can leverage an additional $13 in new grant funding! I mean this is a big deal! Way to go, Roswell Park Alliance Foundation (RPAF)!!! Because of the RPAF, your donations WILL make a difference!
Please consider donating today. Together, we can end cancer! ... See ya later, cancer!